Buratino and Pinokkio

    The history of works creation
   Similarities and differences
    The main characters
    Buratino and Pinokkio
    Symbols in works
    Narrator's image
    Main page


Buratino(ital. Pinocchio) completely — «The adventures of

 Pinokkio. The story of a wooden doll (ital. Le avventure di

 Pinocchio. Storia d'un burattino)


The  main character  of the book — Pinokkio (ital. pino — a

 pine, "Pinokkio"  means "a cedar nutlet"on a Tuscan dialect),

 the boy made of a tree and whose  nose enlarges  each time

 when he tells a  lie.

In the pair  - Pinokkio and Buratino - Pinokkio is senior.The

 fairy tale about him named "History of one puppet" appeared

 in Italy in the first issue  of a weekly "Children's newspaper"

 in 1881                               .

Hardly was he born

 Buratino starts to play

pranks and to be

 naughty. He is so

 carefree  in  lofty

 matters but full of

 common sense and

 tirelessly  active,

 winning the enemies by

 means of wit, boldness

 and presence of mind,

 he is remembered by

 readers as  devoted friend and warm, good guy.  

In Buratino there are  features of many favorite heroes of

 A.Tolstoy inclined  faster to action than to reflexion, here

 again, in sphere of the action, finding and embodying. In

 Buratino there is something from Aleksashki Menshikov's

 luck, Gusev's fighting aggressiveness, Nikita's mischief. In

 the  sense "the Gold key" is  a key to these images of Tolstoi

 opening their folklore basis, communication with not

 philosophizing crafty and indefatigably active hero of

 fantastic tradition . Fervently sticking out nose of Buratino (in

 Kollodi`s book Pinokkio is not connected with his own

 character) in Tolstoy`s work it began to designate just the

 hero who is not hanging up a nose.

Buratino is infinitely charming even in the sins of "a small

 rank": and in the curiosity (in the spirit of Russian

 phraseological unit to "put in oar"), and in the naivety (having

 pierced a nose a canvas, does not guess what is behind the

 door, that is "does not see further his own nose"), and in

 breaking decency of naturalness of the behavior. Curiosity,

 naiveté, naturalness … Writer entrusted Buratino the

 expression of not only the most treasured belief but also the

most nice human qualities if only it is allowed to speak about

 human qualities of a wooden doll. Buratino is closer to

 Russian Parsley than to Italian Pinokkio – by character and

 even by plot elements (for example, one of indispensable

 attributes of action with Petrushka – his meeting with

 representatives of the power, the policeman or the yard


A distinctive feature of the character of Buratino is the

 roughness adjoining on rudeness. And how much does this

 trait of correspond to reality such line in his character, how

 unselfishness which he underlines represents with pleasure

 are real? Certain clearness in this question is brought by the

circumstances connected with a gold key. Tortilla informs that

 "it was dropped on a bottom of a pond by the person with a

 beard of such length that he thrusts it in a pocket" and that

 this person "told much about this key but I have forgotten all"


. So, the golden key was lost

 by Karabas and he "told"

 much about it. It`s

 favorably to hide the

 maintenance of this story

 only to one character -

 Buratino because he has

 hold the key and behaves

 as its lawful owner. And,

 despite "unselfishness" of

 the hero, the right for the

 use of this magic key is

 actually usurped by him:

 after all he subordinated to

himself the theatre which began to work under his own

 scenario. And this circumstance is underlined outwardly

 imperceptible but rather characteristic detail: founder of

 Buratino is daddy Karlo who is kinder and more competent

 than  him to all signs and who   left the unique treasure for the

sake of light future of Buratino without reflecting  - a jacket, he

 received in  this theatre rather unenviable role of the street

 organ-grinder. That is the person whose  kindness and  merits

 really do not raise any doubts  hasn`t got anything from this-

 unless he repaired the broken street organ and  acquired the

 honorable right to play it but any more not  the free organ-

grinder who he  was before and within the limits of the

 scenario created by Buratino.

     Whether really Tortilla forgot everything or Buratino

 attributed to her forgetfulness in the story  is not essentially:

 in any case it was favourable to him  to omit the  history of the

 little gold key. That is the history which Buratino actually

 tells, it`s not the history of the little gold key. It is only an

 occasion to self-eulogy, to the deformed treatment of his own



Buratino directly admits in the end of "the fairy tale" end that

 he is going to perform a play about himself, to play himself

 and "to become famous on the whole world".

Buratino sneers and plays a trick. For example, speaking

 about Malvina he only imitates her pedantry and girl`s

 fearfulness. However, despite such unexpectedly gentlemen's

 relation to a doll with characteristic for representatives of the

 most ancient trade a name which is characteristic for

 representatives of the most ancient trade, her  real face and a

 way of her life nevertheless are looked through  from not so

 absolutely truthful story.

   So, what we

 knew about the main

 character of the "fairy tale"?

 Ingenuous and

 trustful but at the

 same time the rough

 and boastful wooden

 doll tells us about

 how he began to

 study but he  didn`t

 managed study;

 having received

 money he contacted

 with swindlers, she

was attacked by

 robbers; was punished by Malvina but  ran away from a closet

 in the Country of the Fools; there she received a golden key

 which  Karabas Barabas had lost before; during the fight she

  stayed on a tree, having attributed subsequently to herself

 another's merits;she rescued her friends casually - she

 wished to jump in a pond "under protection of aunt Tortilla"

 but she  was flung away by the wind in the cart of the governor

 the Fox and opponents  were frightened from unexpectedness

; when she was driven into a corner   Karlo appeared and

 rescued all;  having taken  the key, this doll made herself the

 chief of all and  imposed her false scenario.

There are  two available plots and two levels of perception of

the maintenance: the story was told by Buratino in that kind as

 he submits it to us( we name it a false plot) and the same story

 in much different foreshortening is how we start to

 understand it on the basis of the revealed psychological

 characteristics of the Buratino-story-teller (we name it true

plot).Differently, on one plot which is known to all the author

 created two independent plots with the opposite ethical

 maintenance.But even the second (true) plot doesn`t contain

 satire as invented characters still appear in it. In the  works

 of this kind the satire contains in the third plot in which the

 basic characters find features of concrete persons. The

 authors  sate the text with the signs by  which their

 contemporaries can learn the objects of satire  and "The

 golden key" is not an exception.

Derisive-humiliating relation of Buratino to Pero and to  his

 verses is distinctly traced in a false plot of "The little gold

 key". And taking into account that the narration is conducted

 not on behalf of Tolstoy it`s necessary to recognize that the

 wooden doll, instead of the author, derides the Block. We can

 make  a conclusion about Tolstoy's uncooperative attitude to

the fact of such ridicule which inherently a part of an artistic

 plan of the writer who  had selected the  object of the satire

 the in the  image of Buratino.

      Yes, A.N.Tolstoj was a great

 mystifier. In 1936 children

 who "knew the Italian relative of

 Âuratino" ,and  during the

 period of "struggle against a fairy

 tale" fairy tales were

 withdrawn from libraries, pre-

revolutionary editions of

 "Pinokkio" were small and  were not

 republished during

 Soviet rule, A.N.Tolstoy's "Pinokkio" of 1924 didn`t reach the

 USSR, "was lost"... Actually, readers have learnt about the

 existence of "Pinokkio" just from the preface to "The little

 gold key", thanks to it the book on which it is possible to

 allocate "deviations from the original" and  to state an ethical

 estimation of the  scene of action (the Country of the Fools) on

 this basis and the main character (a callous doll). 

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